The Spanish Revolution & the Internet: From free culture to meta- politics. Berkman center for Internet and Society: Luncheon series. Harvard University. November 22, 2011. Video |
Wikimedia Governance. Wikimania. Presentation. Buenos Aires, From 26 to 29 August 2009. Video |
Interview on the need of a free culture movement that converge with other movements. Conference Students for free culture. Berkleley 2008. |
Contexto, experiencias y conclusiones del Free Culture Forum. Barcelona. Plenaria al IV Congreso de la Cibersociedad.“Crisis analógica, Futuro digital”. November 2009. Resumen intervencion y Video. |
Implicacions polítiques dels commons digitals. Escola d’Estiu de l’IGOP, Barcelona, July 2012.Video |
Conference Wikipedia: Critical Point of view (CPOV). Institute for the network culture. Presentation: Wikimedia Governance: The Role of the Wikimedia Foundation and the Form and Geopolitics of its Internationalization. Amsterdam, March 2010. Video |
Presentation and moderation panel: Organizational logic and political implications of Free culture. First International Forum on free culture and access to knowledge. Barcelona, October 29 to November 1 2009. Video. |
Entrevista/sesión en vivo por la red sobre el procomun digital en Think Commons (www.thinkcommons.org). 5 de Junio 2013.Video |
Interview to Remix the commons about what defines a commons?. Berlin. Internationale conference ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM , co-organized by Commons Strategies Group, the Heinrich Böll and Charles Leopold Mayer Pour le Progrès de l’Homme Foundations and Remix The Commons, in Berlin, May 24 and 25, 2013.. Video |