Previous research experience

2005 – 2004

  • Institute of Government and Public Policy (IGOP), University Autonoma of Barcelona, Principal Researcher: Impact social forums process into the local public policy. October 2004 – April 2005.
  • France Telecom Recherche & development, Principal researcher. Project: Wireless technology: Neighbors collaborative uses at the Spain. April November 2005.
  • Glocal research center, Barcelona, co-funder June 2001. Coordination researchers: Confluence of social movements at Europe. October 2004 – September 2005; Social transformation at Catalonia. June 2002 – June 2003; Fundraising resources Third sector at Catalonia June 2001 June 2002.
  • Investigation and Social Forums: An experiment: Guide for social transformation in Europe: European Social Forum and surroundings10th International Conference on Alternative Futures & Popular Protest Manchester Metropolitan University 30th March – 1st April 2005
  • Transform! Italia Rifondazione Comunista, principal researcher. Project: Crisis representation system and new forms of protagonism at the civil society. Funded by Regione Lazio, Italia. August-December 2004.
  • Program co-ordinator of the 1st International meeting on Activist Research and Social Movements, Barcelona, 22nd-25th of January, 2004, online.

2003 – 1998

  • Research Project Co-ordinator. European Youth For Action: European network working in issues of social and environmental justice. July 2002-May 2003.
  • Researcher: NGO Communication Strategies. Research developed whilst organising the Eyfa meeting Sharing skills Communication strategies for NGO meeting. Pola de Lena. Oviedo (The Spanish State), Easter 2003.
  • Panel coordinator of Mobilised Investigation at the Alternative and Popular Protest Conference, Manchester, April 2003. (Other co-coordinators were Merijn Oudwers, Uri Gordon and Laurence Cox, members of the network Mobilised Investigation of which Mayo Fuster-Morell was one of the initiators.
  • Research presentation: The Econsensus: an example of Internet use by Social Movements. Grupo de estudi de moviments socials, Fundacio Jaume Bofill (Research for The Social Movement Study Council, Jaume Bofill Foundation).
  • Researcher: Funding resources for the Third Sector, Catalonia. Global Research Centre.
  • Researcher of bibliography and archive materials relating to German Anthropology. Museo de cultures de la Mediterranea (The Museum of Mediterranean Cultures), La Beneficencia, Diputacion de Valencia (regional Government of Valencia).
  • Responsible for Focus groups evaluating the Social and Cultural Anthropology Degree program. University of Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona.
  • Provided an opinion for Evaluation outcome publication Nova Africa. African studies Centre. Observatorio permanente de sociedades Africanas (Permanent Observatory of African Societies), Barcelona.


  • Research grant from University of Rovira i Virgili. Functions: designed questionnaires for evaluation of the Anthropology programme.


  • Researcher: Situacion del pueblo gitano en la Comunidad Valenciana (Situation of the Gypsy [Romany] community in Valencia Province): Conselleria de Benestar Social (Department of social welfare), Ajuntament de Valencia (Valencia City Council).


  • Researcher: Tipologi­a de visitantes y valor de uso recreativo del Parque Natural de la Albufera (Typology of visitors and the value of using recreational space in the Albufera National Park). Departament de Economia Aplicada II (Estructura Economica). (Department of Applied Economics (Economical Structure)), Premi d Estudis Agroentorn 1996 (Agro-environmental Studies Prize). Fundacio Bancaixa (Bancaixa Foundation)
  • Researcher: Recursos/Necesidades sociales en la ciudad de Valencia: la iniciativa social y la iniciativa publica (Social resource – needs in the city of Valencia: the social and public initiative). Departament de Sociologi­a i Antropologi­a Social (Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology). FCCEE i EE, Universitat de Valencia (Economics Faculty, Valencia University). Realizado para el Ayuntamiento de Valencia (Carried out for the Valencia City Council).