15M indignados mobilization in Spain

A set of my works on the 15M indignados mobilization in Spain, and the current wave of mobilizations.



The Spanish Revolution & the Internet: From free culture to meta- politics. Berkman center for Internet and Society: Luncheon series. Harvard University. November 22,2011. Video


Fuster Morell, M. (2012). Composition of 15M Mobilization in Spain: Free Culture Movement a layer of 15M ecosystem movement. ‘Occupy’ special edition. Social Movement Studies,Volume 11, Issue 3-4. Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14742837.2012.710323


Fuster Morell, M. (2012). Special section: A new wave of European mobilizations?. “The season of revolutions: the Arab Spring. Interface: A journal for and about social movements. Issue 4/1. Retrieved from http://www.interfacejournal.net/2012/11/interface-volume-4-issue-2-for-the-global-emancipation-of-labour/


Fuster Morell, M. & Subirats, J. (2012). Més enllà d’Internet com a eina “martell” – eina de la vella política: Cap un nou Policy Making?. Els casos del Moviment de Cultura Lliure i pel Procomú Digital i el 15M a Catalunya (Beyond the Internet as a tool “hammer” – tool of the old politics: Towards a New Policy Making?. Cases the Free Culture Movement and the digital commons and 15M in Catalonia). Research report. Institute de Govern i Politiques Publiques (UAB) per l’Escola d’Administracio Publica de Catalunya. (139 pages). Retrieved from http://bit.ly/HhGzcJ


Fuster Morell, M. (2013). Influence of free culture movement into 15M mobilization in Spain. Perugorría, I. & Tejerina, B. Crisis and Social Mobilization in Contemporary Spain: The M15 Movement. Ashgate Publishing, Uk. (Forthcoming)

Fuster Morell, M. & Subirats, J. (2013) Políticas locales en la sociedad 2.0 movilizada. R. Canals (Ed.). Ciudades y pueblos que pueden durar: Políticas locales para una nueva época. (pp. 387-398). Icaria Editorial, Barcelona.


Understanding the New Wave of Social Cooperation: A Triangulation of the Arab Revolutions, European Mobilizations and the American Occupy Movement. March 21st, 2012. Organized with Berkman center for Internet & society at Harvard University.